Our surveyors are members of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), qualified to carry out reports and surveys on residential property and land.
The most commonly requested survey is the RICS Home Buyers Report, which is specifically designed to inform you about the condition of the property by highlighting any areas of attention prior to purchasing. As a result it can save substantial costs in repair and gives you grounds for negotiating the asking price.
Alternatively you can request a Building survey report, designed to provide full technical details about the construction of the property, its materials, uses, defects, and need for future maintenance.
Our surveyors provide the following reports:
Access Rights
We act for owners who control access to development land and other backland. This involves carefully calculating the value of the potential site and negotiating on your behalf.
Expert Witness Reports
We carry out expert witness reports for court purposes on property matters such as boundary disputes or valuation reports.
Building assessment cost reports
We can provide up-to-date reinstatement costs for buildings to cover their re-building in the event of damage or destruction.
Formal valuation reports for matrimonial and probate purposes
Valuation of a property interest for both parties as part of the divorce process, either instructed as an expert acting between the parties or alternatively for one party alone.
Building survey reports
Our Building Survey reports describe the parts that make up a building, comment on the condition of those parts and recommend necessary remedial works. When confirming instructions to carry out a Building Survey we write describing the extent of the inspection agreed with the client. Building Surveys are appropriate for all types of building, especially those that by virtue of their size, age or construction are not suitable for a Homebuyer Survey and Valuation Report.
Mortgage valuation
We are on the panel of many lending organisations and therefore are able to carry out 'formal' valuation work for these organisations for the grant of mortgage finance.
RICS Homebuyer Reports
These are abbreviated reports in a format drawn up by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors to assist the homebuyer to:
i. Make a reasoned and informed judgment on whether or not to proceed.
ii. Assess whether or not the property is a reasonable purchase at the agreed price.
iii. Be clear what decisions and actions should be taken before contracts are exchanged.
Party wall matters
Advice in regard to the Party Wall Act 1996, this covers:
i. Work on an existing wall or structure shared with another property.
ii. Building a free standing wall or a wall of a building up to or outside a boundary with a neighbouring property(s).
Compulsory purchase
We can act for an owner who is forced to sell all or part of his property, when the acquiring authority will normally pay a substantial contribution towards our fee. The Land Compensation Act allows an owner who can demonstrate loss of value of his house through, for example, a new road scheme, potential entitlement to compensation for that loss.
Probate valuation
A professional valuation is required of a deceased's property interest in order to enable probate to be granted. We are able to act on your behalf, if necessary with any subsequent negotiations with the District Valuers.
Dilapidation and schedule of condition
We can act for landlord or tenant normally when the lease ends, to determine the extent of repair to be carried out to a property. A Schedule of Condition is a document prepared to record the actual state of a building, element by element, often relating to a Lease or Party Wall Act etc. 1996.
Residential valuations for tax purposes
We value property for Inheritance Tax purposes or for Capital Gains advice.
Development appraisals
We value land with planning permission for client’s viability study purposes.
Development funding valuations
We value on behalf of funding companies potential development schemes for lending purposes.
We do not survey any properties sold through The Frost Partnership due to conflict of interest but will be pleased to act for you when you purchase in any other circumstance.
Contact The Frost Partnership to arrange your survey or complete our survey request form