Keep your cool!
Monday, July 23, 2018

With no imminent end in sight to the hot spell we are having in the South East, a few simple tricks will help you keep your cool. In summer, almost 30% of unwanted heat comes through the windows, so use curtains and blinds to lower indoor temperatures. By closing the curtains/blinds you stop your home from becoming a mini greenhouse, especially with south or west-facing windows that get the afternoon sun. Blackout curtains are especially effective; neutral-colored curtains with white plastic backings can reduce heat gain by up to 33%.
Once the sun is down though make the most of cooler night hours by letting air flow through your home. If you have sash windows: make sure both the top and bottom are open equal amounts. In theory cool air comes in through the lower opening and warmer air is expelled through the top.
Fans are a godsend, but make sure you’re using them to gain the maximum benefit. Heat rises, so the coolest air is at floor level. Put your fan on the floor and point it upwards. To speed up the process, place a bowl of ice in front of the fan, so the air blows over it.
Focus on your body temperature rather than the house. Ice cold drinks or ice lollies (halved frozen grapes are a healthy alternative) cool you down, or apply a cold cloth to your neck and wrists. Keep a water mister/plant spray to hand and spritz when you need, day or night. A cool shower or bath before bed will have a lasting cooling effect.
Invest in a cool Chillow for your bed and prepare a cold water bottle, putting it in the freezer before placing it at the foot of your bed. If you really can’t take the heat, sleep downstairs. Heat rises, so sleep on the sofa, or simply put your mattress on the floor if it feels cooler there. Temperatures usually drop during the night so, security permitting, make the most of this by opening some windows before you go to bed.
Switch off electrical appliances around the house, to avoid heat gain, and make sure the back of fridges and freezers have plenty of ventilation as they produce a lot of unnecessary heat in a room. Conventional light bulbs also give off waste heat so switch to low energy light and save money in the process! Cook outdoors if you can, use the hob and microwave instead of the oven where possible, or better still eat salad! Using your oven will only make your house feel hotter!
With August nearly upon us, make the most of the hot weather, find cool things to do and enjoy a very un-british summer!